TechHouse570- Security Field Day 10- Forward Networks- Double Trouble For Network Security!

I had the honor to finally see Forward Networks present at a Tech Field Day event! And I can tell you they didn’t disappoint, the focus was based on what’s called digital twins, how we can use them to create an entirely separate view of our infrastructure & then address multiple security issues before they can be exploited so let’s take a look into what we learned from Security Field Day 10.

Security Times Two!

Forward Networks specializes in being the world’s first Network Digital Twin! The solution is phenomenal in processing & analyzing every possible network scenario, from the first ping to tracing where every packet goes. It mimics your entire infrastructure from the security, cloud & on prem platforms to then create a fully detailed replica to not only monitor but assess & mitigate any threats or vulnerabilities you may come across.

This also possesses full digital twin network functionality! Everything ranging from security posture, verifying any & every issue at layers 3 through 7. In addition, its blast radius feature is spectacular & can pull any unknown or rogue devices within seconds. The demonstration was incredible as it highlighted standing up a copy of the infrastructure, verifying configuration as well as snapshot comparisons!

Forward Networks not only stands out as a solution all on its own but also integrates with multiple other products to provide the ultimate in addressing & remediating newer threats as they release.

But don’t just take my word for it, check out the killer presentation from this past week at XFD10 & their multiple other Tech Field Day appearances. Until next time, stay safe and I’ll see you all soon!

Best Regards,


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